
class macaw.optimizers.GradientDescent(fun, gradient, gamma=0.001)[source]

Implements a simple gradient descent algorithm to find local minimum of functions.


fun (callable) The function to be minimized
gradient (callable) The gradient of the fun
gamma (float) Learning rate


compute(x0[, fun_args, n, xtol, ftol, gtol])
save_state(x0, funval, n_iter, status)
compute(x0, fun_args=(), n=1000, xtol=1e-06, ftol=1e-09, gtol=1e-06)[source]
class macaw.optimizers.CoordinateDescent(fun, gradient, gamma=0.001)[source]

Implements a sequential coordinate descent algorithm to find local minimum of functions.


fun (callable) The function to be minimized
gradient (callable) The gradient of the fun
gamma (float) Learning rate


compute(x0[, fun_args, n, xtol, ftol, gtol])
save_state(x0, funval, n_iter, status)
compute(x0, fun_args=(), n=1000, xtol=1e-06, ftol=1e-06, gtol=1e-06)[source]
class macaw.optimizers.MajorizationMinimization(fun, optimizer='gd', **kwargs)[source]

Implements a Majorization-Minimization scheme.


fun (object) Objective function to be minimized. Note that this must be an object that contains the following methods:: * evaluate: returns the value of the objective function * surrogate_fun: returns the value of an appropriate surrogate function * gradient_surrogate: return the value of the gradient of the surrogate function
optimizer (str) Specifies the optimizer to use during the Minimization step. Options are:: * ‘gd’ : Gradient Descent * ‘cd’ : Coordinate Descent
kwargs (dict) Keyword arguments to be passed to the optimizer.


compute(x0[, n, xtol, ftol])
save_state(x0, funval, n_iter, status)
compute(x0, n=1000, xtol=1e-06, ftol=1e-09, **kwargs)[source]

Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of macaw.optimizers